
Life is unpredictable! Don’t put off making your will. Top three reasons that you need a will:

  • To ensure that YOU choose a trusted person to take charge of your property.
  • To ensure that your assets will be distributed the way YOU decide.
  • To name the guardian YOU want for your children.

A will is also one of the best gifts you can leave for your loved ones. Having a properly written and executed will can spare your family from unnecessary difficulties in the Court application to appoint an Estate Trustee to administer your estate.

De Bakker and de Bakker can ensure that your will is valid and effective to carry out your wishes. We will review your family and financial situation and listen to your estate planning goals. We strive to make the process of making your will smooth and painless.

Powers of Attorney

As life expectancy increases, so does the chance that you may live long enough to become incapable of managing your property or make health care decisions for yourself! You can prevent a lot of stress and expense for your loved ones by making Powers of Attorney.

Under the Substitute Decisions Act, you can name someone you trust to look after your property in a Power of Attorney for Property and name someone you trust to make health care decisions in a Power of Attorney for Personal Care.
At De Bakker and de Bakker, we encourage clients to make Powers of Attorney as part of their Estate Planning process.


If you are the Executor and Trustee under a will, we can advise you of your responsibilities and assist you through the Probate process where necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I die without a will?

  • The person assigned to take charge of your estate may not be the most suitable person.
  • Your property will be distributed according to legislative formula, which may not be what you would have wanted.
  • The distribution of the estate to your beneficiaries may be delayed and your estate may incur higher administration costs.

What is probate? Probate is an application to ask the court to:

  • Give a person the authority to act as the estate trustee of an estate; or
  • Confirm the authority of a person named as the estate trustee in the deceased’s will
  • Formally approve that the deceased’s will is their valid last will.